Passion Pursuit Inc. (PPI) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that delivers virtual career coaching, employment readiness support, and personal branding development to help the unemployed and underemployed achieve their career goals and avoid reliance on public assistance.
Our mission is...
to optimize the personal growth and professional development of future leaders.
Who We Are
PPI specializes in providing support and resources to help startup entrepreneurs, transitioning professionals, Disconnected Youth and the Justice-Impacted to pursue self sufficiency.​
With a strong aversion for re-inventing the wheel, many projects PPI takes on are in an effort to support, not replace, initiatives available to vulnerable and underserved populations - oftentimes sharing and referring clients for services as a partner.
We are currently partnered with DeKalb Township to offer one-on-one Career Coaching and Executive Resume Writing Services for DeKalb Township (IL) residents.
If your organization is seeking employment readiness workshops or coaching for your clients or staff, please contact us for contracting opportunities.